U’re tall, U’re fat, U’re fairer than me, U’re big enaff for
people to tell U that U older than me,U easily get mad, U’re joker, U’re big
eater just like me!
U jealous with peoples around me! Ahaha. U’re not good in
riding a motorbike (in fact, U dun have a B2 license), U're a crazy driver when u get mad, ur voice soo dammnnn terukk, U’re kind hearted
man which U can’t see peoples U love suffering.
U’re hot tempered man, AND
that’s for serious! U will do anything for ur Baba and Granny, U’re afraid of cats
and darks. U hardly go out with ur friends, U’re a protective man, U loveee to
smile until my abah ask me” kenapa die nie suke tersengeh2?” :)
U’re outspoken, U love to workout in gym, U're not handsome, not yet a macho guy, U don't like networking, U prefer stay at home, U're chubby, U're willing to do anything for me (cheh!!) , U're good in making money ( izitt) :P
U're an easy going man, U're quite a forcing man, U always talk non-stop till I fall asleep, sometimes U're too childish (layan), U're not really good in badminton and futsal, U're die hard fan of Manchester United's team.
U're kinda romantic man, U like to fool around. Once U study, I can't disturb U, U did a partime job since ur schooling time, U're an independent man.
Ok, U like Chinese girls, U're younger than me (ahaha, kantoi) U're good in advising me ( Hmm, terpaksa dengar), sometimes, ur easy going turn out to be shy.
Haih, still a lot to describe U. Malas mau pikir! :D What matter most is I LOVE YOU and YOU LOVE ME! That's what we count.
"U" that I mentioned above is my beloved Gemok + Buncit, Nor Irfan Azizi Bin Nordin.
muka bahagia after makan! |
Gemok kalah mase nie |
My LOVE, I'll never find another lover, sweeter than u, and more precious than u. And I promise that, I'll be with u and always stay by ur side in no matter what situation it will take. Count on me, LOVE! I need you to colour my day, to cheerish every moment that I spent.
LOVE, U always be a part of me, and I'm a part of u indefinitely! Yeah, truth to say that every night sure a lil' argument came between us. I enjoyed it most, LOVE!
We know what we want in this beautiful relation. Ya Allah, give us strength to face all the obstacles that came along. Seriously, I dunno what will happen to my day without u.
For any reason, U'RE still the best for me. Fullstop. I LOVE YOU!
Kami GILA! |
My hand is yours to hold, GEMOK! |
p/s : Maaf entry ini terSANGATlah JIWANG. I mintak maaf, only to appreciate his love. Ahaha. Xsalahkan? :P
Layer, guys!