Saturday, July 16, 2011


Salam and hye..

I'm proud of being a nurse though I knew some people out there would still look down on nurses. Who cares??

Ok, enough Niesa. Jangan nak moody sangattttt! Ok, bercerita tentang vacation. Yeyeahhhhhh. In a week time, me with my beautiful girlfriends (kembanglah korang baca entry ni nanti) nak pergi Sabah and Sarawakkkk! 

Yesss, we worked hard! Now, it's the time to pay our hard work.

Semestinya, I'M COUNTING THE DAYS! Yeehaww. The moment I wrote this, 6 days left to our awesome vacation. Yesssss, yeahhhhhh, jyeeaahhhhh! Wooohooooooo! Excited sudaaaaa! 

p/s > Salam Nisfu Sya'ban to all Muslims.


  1. bestnye!!!! me still tunggu posting...cant wait to be working :)

  2. Whattttt??
    Xsabar nak kerja?? U must be joking Zue..
    To tell u the truth, study lagi best dari kerja lahhh. :))

  3. i biasalah...bila tgh study rase macam nak kerja...of course bila kerja nanti rase study lg best kan... :)

  4. Ahahahaha. Yeah, u're rite. Anyway, where are u now??
