Sunday, July 17, 2011

Makan Saja Mung Ni. :)

Salam and hyee..

Ok, I was bored. Seriously Sunday is not a funday at all for me. Yeah, for you guys Maybe but for me? Entah lah. Ok, stop it Niesa.

Haaa, boleh sape2 bagitau aku x ade ke org kat dalam dunia ni x suka makan??? Ahahaha, susah kan nak jumpa org mcm tu, except for those Anorexic people yg aku rasa cantik PELIK sebab xsuka makan.

Bila sebut je makan, hmmmm semua jens makanan berpusing2 dalam kepala otak kita, kan??

Proudly mentioned here, I'm a big eater. Yess, I am! But, malu ak cakap kat sini, aku xtahan makan pedas. Heee,  biasalah kan??

Rasenye dah ramai dah query ngan aku this thing. "Nisa kan pki braces, normally diorang yg pki braces mana nak makan sangat.Pelik lah" Owhhh, maaf yer,, tu maybe orang lain, but not for Nor Hairunnisa Binti Omar!!

Rugi sape xmakan. Sementara boleh makan ni, makan lah ok. Tp jgn sampai semua hang bedal, habos kolesterol semua naik. Dop usahla cenggitu okayh!

Ok, nak mkn boleh, but kalau boleh carilah restaurant yg confirm halal. Nowadays banyak isu yg cakap ni x halal, itu x halal. Haa, mcm satu issue nie, pasal Starbucks x halal.

Owh, aku terkena tempiasnya weyh! Almaklum, kawe gemo lepak kat Starbucks ni, Bukan apo, coffee die memang best. Tp xlah hari2 kan. Kalau rase teringin, pergilah. Xboleh sekat2.

Haa, mase diorang cakap Starbucks x halal, aku ngan kawan lelaki sejatiku terus tanya Manager starbucks tu. Punya lah nak confirmkan wether it is halal or not. Alhamdulillah, Starbucks halal diminum ye kawan2.

Penatlah nak type banyak2. Nak keluar a while more, Nak MAKAN Nando's and lepak kat Starbucks again! :DD ok, check this out guys.

Nisa yg kuat makan!

the best cendol ever. Jonker Walk, Malacca

bubur yg sangat sedap n murah ;)

spaghetti meatballs

Lamb stew from SR

caramel macchiato

Adui, terliuh. Doling dah ni. Well, tu mcm cipisan jer dr phone aku. Rase2nye dlm phone ni byk lagi gambar2 makanan yg sedap2.

ok guys, thats for now. Catch u guys later.
Wanna break my fast dekat Nando'. Mild peri peri is superbly awesome okayh! Mmuuaacckksss!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

• What Are Words •

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see

How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of girl would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them

What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't

When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be

Standing right beside him tonight
And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when he needs me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them

What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't

When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more

Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of girl would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

I'm forever keeping my angel close ......

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


Salam and hyeeee.

Ok, just wanna test it whether I can straight away post my entry thru my bb or not. Heee. ;)
Goodnight! :D
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Next to You ♡

U got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
That you keep that smile

U're my dream
There's not a thing I won't do
I give my life up for you
cause U're my dream...

And, everything that I've is yours
U'll never go cold or hungry
I'll be there when u insecure
Let u know that u always lovely..
Cause u're,..
The ONLY THING that I got right now.....

One day when the sky is falling
I'll be standing right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I'll be standing right next to you.
Right next to you 

beloved family 
My one and only 

I love them much.
Family, without u I'm all nothing.
♡, Thank you for being with me at my best, worse, up, and downs!


Salam and hye..

I'm proud of being a nurse though I knew some people out there would still look down on nurses. Who cares??

Ok, enough Niesa. Jangan nak moody sangattttt! Ok, bercerita tentang vacation. Yeyeahhhhhh. In a week time, me with my beautiful girlfriends (kembanglah korang baca entry ni nanti) nak pergi Sabah and Sarawakkkk! 

Yesss, we worked hard! Now, it's the time to pay our hard work.

Semestinya, I'M COUNTING THE DAYS! Yeehaww. The moment I wrote this, 6 days left to our awesome vacation. Yesssss, yeahhhhhh, jyeeaahhhhh! Wooohooooooo! Excited sudaaaaa! 

p/s > Salam Nisfu Sya'ban to all Muslims.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chris Medina - What Are Words

Those Days..

those dayssssss....

Sure korang paham kan maksud tuh?? HELL YESSSS, I miss those days. Those days of being student, those days in Aspuri Maharani (budak asrama kot) , those days as a student who wore tudung yg agak labuh (budak RKA) , those days in Malacca who I really miss the most. Its wordless to explain on how i miss those days.

Antara reason nya:
1) Dulu, no need to think of responsibility. Thats for sure lah kan. Tahu, belajar malas2, dapat result best, banggakan mak abah, and finish. Now, banyak kena pikir esp pasal kerja lah. Dang!! If I were given a choice to study or work, i chosed study. Mana taknya, mase study kita focus pada satu benda jer lah, STUDY! xde benda lain. kan kan kan???

2) Those days, boleh buat benda nakal2. Heee, fyi mase study kat Malacca lah aku ni jadi nakal a bit. Entahlah ek, xtau kenapa. But maybe dah besar koottt, konon2 dah teenagers sangat! So malam2 jer lepak. lepak jer malam2. Fly tgk ManUnited punya game sampai balik hostel 8am the next day. Fuuhhhh, x ke gilo namenyee. Selamat ade geng nakal dulu, kalau x student life ku confirm sangat boring! :) Geng nakal di sini temasuk lah mere dhosti Aretha, Daya, Ziera, Ai Ting! Ahha.
Nowwwwwww????? Owh, malam2 ku di rumah, menanti kan panggilan telefon dari Columbia Hospital (on call lah tu namanya) :/

3) Haaaa, rindu zaman dulu2 sebab dulu mana ade nak pikir2 pasal duit. Xde, xde. Dulu dapat allowance every month, dah cukup sangat dah. Bukan kene bayar ape2. Memang utk makan jer kan. Xcukup pon, ade back up! Abah lah tu, sape lagiii kannnn?? Skarang??? Ahaaaa, dapat tue boleh lah kan, TAPI dah kene pandai nak bagi2 kan. Dgn rumah lah, gigi besi aku nih, saving tue lagi, ini lagi, makan lagi. Fuhhhhh, kene pandai bahagikan. If not, makan maggie lah kau, Nisa setiap hari. Tp Ahamdulillah, so far so good. hee. :) Cuma da xde back up dah. Kene bagi my back p lak now. :))

4) Hmmm, ni pengakuan jujur aku kot. Dulu2 masa duk Hostel Maharani lah, mase banyak dipenuhi dengan majlis2 ilmiah, Ma'thurat xtinggal, hari2 baca Quran. Rase best sangat. Bukan lah nak kata now aku xbuat semua tu, aku buat CUMA xkonsisten. Ye, aku xboleh nak salahkan kerja aku kan, aku sendiri sepatutnya yg cari inisiatif utk bertaqarrub BUT aku hanya manusia biasa. Balik kerja kadang2 12malam. Hmmm, Ya Allah, ampunilah hambamu ini Ya Allah. :"( That is why aku rindu zaman dulu2.

5) Haa, ini out sikit lah yer, sorry. But, to tell u guys. Aku rindu those days sebab dapat selalu dating. Ade ase lapang jer, dating. Dinner pon sama2. Sekarang??? Nak jumpa sebulan sekali pon sangat susah. Cheh, lebih lah kau Nisa, macam lah JB dgn Mlc jauh saaannnngggaaattttt kaannn?? :P

6) Aku rase ni paling penting kot. Now, mase utk diri aku sendiri dah sangat limited. Aku asik tido jer balik dari kerja. Masak xde, paling2 pon aku kemas bilik jer. Hmmmm, susah kannnn??? Dulu, jgn kate mase utk aku jer, utk semua org ade. ahaha! :DD

Ok, aku xkate aku xbersyukur dengan ape yg aku lalui sekarang ni, Aku bersyukur sangat2. Adakerja, and senang cakap alhamdulillah, ade future. CUMA, aku rindukan mase2 aku yg lalu sahaja. Peace. ;)

Ini lah aku sekarang! :P

Friday, June 10, 2011

Random Friday Thought

" LIFE doesn't always go the way you planned. It can lead you on some funny or to be precise, unexpected journeys. But to feel pain is to live. And to truly feel happiness you must know sorrow "

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lama Menyepi........Bagai lah kau, Niesa! :)

Assalamualaikum and hello! 

Rase2nye, dah lame giler kot aku x mengupdate blog yg xbape nak ramai follower nih. Ahaha. :D

Entah ek, nak kate busy, agak laaaa! Tp most of the time aku xder la busy mane. Asyik duk melayan BB (Berry Bieber) aku! Ahaha. Enough, Niesa.

Ok, sekarang ni aku rase tengah hangat kot isu2 shawl n Valentine's Day? Kan kan kan?? Kalau on twitter, sure isu Valentine lah paling hangat diperkata kan. 

Yg pasal shawl pulak, hmmmm aku terbaca dari blog member aku nih. Ramai yg mempertikaikan perempuan yg pki shawl ni agak la mendedahkan aurat. 

Errrr, seriously aku terase jugak cus aku xterkecuali dr memakai shawl ni. But as for me, selagi aku selesa and xmenonjol mate org yg melihat, im ok with that.

Ok, regarding Valentine's issue pulak, bagi aku setiap hari pon merupakan hari berkasih sayang. Xperlu lah ade specific date tu. Lagi better kalau specific date tuh fall on ur anniversary ker, birthday ker kan. And aku pon xnak comment banyak pasal nih. Ahahaha! Dah bosan dengan issue same yg akan meletup bile February sampai.....

Kesimpulannya, live life to the fullest! Ahahaah! :D *jk

Konklusinya : Bersederhanalah dalam segala hal. Itu yg terbaik. :)